Hi guys! I'm back for a quick little positive post! I have been trying really hard to think more positively and about how some situations suck but its all God protecting me from harm or putting me in a situation where it will benefit me in the end. That is such a small mindset change and I have been trying to practice it everyday to really try to strength my faith because it has fallen out of line for a few months now.
Now that I am single, I have been giving my complete focus to myself. I have been working so hard on seeing myself for more then just my body and my mental health. Quick disclaimer, when I was with my ex, I did work on those things but now I only have myself to focus on. We ended really well and there is no bad blood between us because he is a great person and I wish him the best. Anyways, back to my message. Changing my mindset to a more positive one has been going really good because I have been struggling with a lot of negative thoughts, but people always do that after breakups. It's normal. I am still feeling the breakup but I'm doing better because I have been letting myself feel my emotions instead of hiding them away and that has been really helpful. I also know God did this for a reason, he wouldn't put me through all this pain if it wasn't for a reason.
The simple change in mindset has made a lot of things easier because whenever God closes a door, he openes a window. Using that mindset has helped make each day a little bit brighter and a little bit more exciting because I know that this is all happening to help mold the best version of me. I am enjoying the single life for the main reason of being able to just focus on myself and work on myself in ways that I have known I needed to work on for awhile.
To wrap it up, the main reason for this is to just change your mindset to be a more positive one. I know that is SO much easier said then done but it takes work. It really does, working towards that mindset its challenging but also rewarding. I'm not saying I think like this 100% of the time because frankly, I don't think anyone does. It's all about patience and practice:)