Hi loves! I have been thinking about today's topic SOOO much because genuinely, I struggle with this so much. I have had such a hard time looking at myself in the mirror every time I looked and today, sadly, I looked. I always try really hard not to look so that way I don't overthink or over-critize my body for looking like a real and natural woman. My therapist told me to not look in the mirror because you always look for parts of your body that you don't like.
Tonight, I was looking and I started to feel sad. Seeing cellulite on my legs or not having perfectly toned abs, kinda started to get to me. But think about it. Who doesn't have cellulite? Every single woman to walk this earth has it, it's NATURAL. Who has that perfectly toned abs or zero stomach fat? Not me! I eat foods that make me happy (but in a healthy way). I also workout a lot, and I am trying to workout to feel good and feel/look strong but I know sometimes when I do, I do it to be skinny.
Body positivity and body acceptance are two different things and I have been trying to learn how to do both at once. I realized that starting off with body acceptance makes more sense because you can't talk good about something if you don't accept it's there, you know? I am trying to accept my cellulite, my stretch marks, my skin, and my fat. Every woman has all of that, that is how women are meant to look. Accepting your body means accepting when you are bloated, accepting what your body looks like, and knowing you can't change certain things. I cannot change my cellulite, my rib cage, my large hips, etc.
Overall, nothing about this journey is easy. But body acceptance is the first step. I am learning to accept myself for who I am, not what I look like. But when it comes to looks, I am working on knowing I cannot change and that I am perfect the way I am. I am strong, happy, healthy, hardworking, and athletic and I take amazing care of my body. I feed it what it needs, workout 5-6 days a week, listen to my body, and give it food and rest when needed, etc. I do exactly what my body needs, and I love myself for taking care of it as well as I do.
No one looks at your body the way you do. No one looks at me in a bikini and thinks, "Oh dang, she has some cellulite." or, "She has some stomach fat, that's gross." No one does that. Everyone is so caught up in their own head about how they look that they don't give a second thought about you or your insecurities.
I know sometimes I look at other girls, but what I do is try to compliment them in my head. If you compliment everyone that walks by, it makes you feel good and think, "That's what other people think about me."
Your body looks the way it looks, learn to love it, learn to accept your flaws, and lastly, learn to avoid mirrors on bad days. Trust me, that makes all the difference in the world.