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Coffee Shop Thoughts


Hi loves!

As I wrote on my 'about me' section about how much I LOVE coffee, I am going to write a section called, "Coffee Shop Thoughts". First off, I am a Pumpkin Spice Latte enthusiast. Like I could drink 15 a day everyday and never get tired of them. My favorite thing to do is go to this little coffee shop about a quarter mile from my dorm called Golden Roast. It feels like such a safe place to me because it is such a comfy and cozy environment. Today I am going to be writing about safe spaces and my personal opinion on them.

I love Golden Roast for multiple reasons. From the second I walk in, I feel this rush of positivity and I am always greeted with a smile. I love that because most places you are just another customer but Golden Roast makes me feel like a friend. I always try to sit in the back corner by myself and try to knock out some homework or even just to sit there and watch a show for some Me Time. I call Golden Roast a safe place for me because I feel so happy and comfortable there, especially with a latte in my hand.

When I started writing this blog, it made me think about safe places in general. When the world feels like it is caving in and you want to curl up in a ball and cry, you need that space. A space where you can relax and feel safe. I know when in times like that, I always try to look to Jesus for guidance and reassurance that everything will be ok but to be honest, I fail most of the time. The way I have been trying to think about it is that Jesus is with you wherever you go, so wherever you go is a safe space even if it doesn't feel like it. I know that with Jesus, I am always safe from Satan unless I push Jesus away. Satan is the one who makes the spaces feel not so safe. But when you feel him creeping up and trying to make you feel lost and in a bad place, look for the light, look for Jesus. Jesus is the only one who can help you feel safe and protected all the time. But that doesn't always feel like the case. So when in doubt, pray it out:)

I really was excited to write that message today because I really feel like this message could be useful for those who are struggling in college finding their place and feeling good about themselves there. I know for a long time I struggled with that here.

If you need me, please feel free to email me or use the inbox given to write me a message! Have a beautiful day!


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