Hi! Today is going to be quite short but I am going to try to be more active, I have been slacking tbh.
Anyways, something I have noticed recently is when I am stressed, my body image goes wayyyyy down. Like I start nitpicking my body apart and lose a lot of the progress that I have made that week. I started to notice that and have been able to catch myself, but now that you have read this, do you notice that you do it too? Being stressed brings on a lot of negative emotions which causes you to have a negative mindset. Personally, the negative mindset affects my body dysmorphia more than anything but that's just me.
Since I have realized that, I have stopped letting myself tear my body apart whenever I am upset or stressed. I have stopped looking at my stomach and legs in the mirror in general but I am extra careful to not do it when I am stressed.
To also work on my stress, I started to notice my stressors. A huge stressor of mine is when I look in the mirror at my body so I stopped doing that for that reason as well. Not looking at myself has made a world of difference because I am not giving my negative thoughts the time of day anymore, (sometimes I do but it's way less). Just little things like that make a huge difference in your life because you don't want stress to ruin your day, especially during school. Stress can cause you to be counter-productive so it is good to notice it coming on and know how to bring it back down. Get to know your stressors and what you can do to destress because trust me, it will make things a whole lot easier.