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Sports & Mental Health


Hi loves! A little backstory on todays blog, I interviewed a fellow Kappa, Anelise Retuza! Also today is her birthday so if you know her go wish her happy birthday!

We met up at Golden Roast yesterday and discussed her past with how sports positively effected her mental health and stress. She currently dances at BOSS here at UT and in high school, she danced for her high school team and her local studio. She danced all her life and for most people, that burns them out around high school. She opened up to me about someone who gave dance back to her in a way that would prevent her from personally burning out, that someone was Mrs. Laura. Mrs.Laura cared not only about dance, but about her students mental health. Her favorite question that she asked her was, "If you were a lamp, would your light be on or off?"

For some people, sports help with their mental health by the workout aspect of it. When you workout, your brain releases positive endorphins which make you happy. But for some people, like Anelise, it was more than just that. It was about the group of people that she met and she felt heard. Sports bring people together and create long lasting relationships that make practices or rehearsals easier, especially when you are having a bad day.

To sum this up, everyone has a different experience with sports and how it effects their mental health. For some people, its the people that help them destress and feel good. For others, its the endorphins released from being active. For some people, it was both. Personally, lacrosse gave me one of my best friends, Evie. We became attached at the hip from high school lacrosse and I will always be thankful for that relationship. I will address my relationship with lacrosse & mental health more in depth another time because that is a whole other story.

Anelise picked out Proverbs 31:25 for todays message.

"She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future."


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